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To take with you

Dress code

Malawi is a tropical African country. It is naturally warmer than in Europe. It is therefore not necessary to take your winter clothes with you. A jacket windbreaker is still necessary, just like pants and long sleeves in the evening, at least to protect you from mosquitoes.


However, the Zomba Plateau, Nyika Plateau and Mount Mulanje are at altitude. If you choose a circuit that passes, think about bringing big sweater, hat and scarf. They will be very useful to you.


If there is no specific dress-code, women wearing short shorts or mini-skirts will attract a disapproving look, even if no comment will be made. For a woman, showing her legs, as pretty as they are, is not in Malawi's culture.



There is no electricity everywhere in Malawi. If you want to charge your phone, think of a solar charger or a power bank that you can charge in some lodges.


For your memories, think of your camera with one or more memory cards and possibly a spare battery charged .


A small flashlight could be useful in some places.

Malawian Tour - Hutte
Malawian Tour - Vos bagages

The house linen/ the sleeping

In lodge or hut, there is nothing to plan. The bedding is usually provided by the hotelier and there is no need to worry about their cleanliness.


Some lodges provide bath towels, but we advise you to bring your own. Our team will advise you on the type of bath towels to take.


In tent, we provide you the tent and the mattress. You will need to bring a sleeping bag adapted to the chosen tour temperatures and a pillow. Ask us when you book your tour..


Malawian Tour - Sanitaires et dortoirs

Chemin Jean Lemay, 5

7870 Lens - Belgium


Company registerd number

-Malawi Kukula ASBL

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